Summer 2021: Reflection of the Season
Announcing a new group show at White Lotus Gallery in Eugene, Oregon, in which I am one of fourteen featured artists. The show starts on June 18 and runs through July 31, 2021. The gallery is located at 767 Willamette Street in downtown Eugene and is open for business Tuesday through Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM. Contact them by phone: 541-345-3276 or email.
My new collection of jewelry originals offered in conjunction with this show is highlighted in my latest catalog, Summer 2021: clsjewelry ~ Christine L. Sundt Fine Jewelry Designs, viewable in its entirety at If you would like to have a free PDF version of this catalog, please contact me.
After a long year of lockdowns, isolation, altered realities, personal disappointments, and uncertainties, summer of 2021 promises a glimmer of fresh starts, bright colors, new perspectives, and hope for a secure and enduring post-pandemic future. I trust this announcement finds you and yours safe and healthy and enjoying summer.
Finally, I offer this thought: Art soothes the spirit and nourishes the soul. If there was ever a time when we have needed soothing and nourishing, this is it.